On 28 November 2018 ASX Limited (ASX) released its public consultation paper ‘Simplifying, clarifying and enhancing the integrity and efficiency of the ASX listing rules’ for comment. The review of the listing rules is comprehensive and is intended to modernise and simplify the rules. A mark-up of proposed amendments has been released with changes across all of the listing rules. The key changes proposed are:
- improvements to market disclosure processes;
- making the rules simpler and the listing process and ongoing compliance more efficient;
- making changes to the timetables for corporate actions;
- enhancing ASX’s monitoring and enforcement powers; and
- correcting gaps and errors, and otherwise making general improvements.
The consultation paper is accompanied by several annexures detailing the proposed changes that you can find here.
Submissions on the proposed amendments are open until 1 March 2019, with a view for the finalised amendments to take effect on 1 July 2019. Get in touch if you would like GRT to make a submission on your behalf, or we can incorporate any comments you have into GRT’s submission. Please contact us at (07) 3309 7000 to discuss.